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Terms for subject Pharmacy and pharmacology (3283 entries)
Bruit de fond dans les données noise
bruit de l'environnement de travail noise at work
bufetonine bufotenine
bufotenine bufotenine
butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate de sodium sodium butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
butylester de fluocortine fluocortin butylester
cache-borne terminal block cover
cache-borne terminal cover
cachet pour médicament cachet
cachet pour médicament empty cachet of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use
cadre bleu blue box
caisse locale de maladie Local General Sickness Fund
calcifère calciferous
calcification tubulaire tubular calcification
calmant sedative
calumba calumba
cancer bronchique asbestos-induced cancer
cancer des bronches asbestos-induced cancer
cancer dû aux colorants stain carcinoma