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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
biocénose aquatique naturelle natural aquatic community
biocénose marine marine biocenosis
biocénose voisine overlapping community
biocénotique biocenotics
biocénotique biosociology
biochimie biochemistry (The study of chemical substances occurring in living organisms and the reactions and methods for identifying these substances)
biochimie de la cellule cell biochemistry
biocide biocide (A diverse group of poisonous substance including preservatives, insecticides, disinfectants and pesticides used for the control of organisms that are harmful to human or animal health or that cause damage to natural or manufactured products)
biocide antisalissures anti-fouling biocide
bioclimat bioclimate
bioclimatologie bioclimatology (The study of climate in relation to fauna and flora)
biocombustible biofuel
biocombustible de deuxième génération second generation biofuel
bioconversion bio-conversion
bioconversion biological energy conversion
bioconversion photobiological energy conversion
biodéchet biodegradable waste
biodéchets bio-waste
biodégradabilité biodegradability (The extent to which a substance can be decomposed - or rotted - by bacteria and fungi. Implies that residues from degradation are nontoxic. One of the most misleading claims in business, because shoppers often assume a biodegradable product to be harmless. Some harmful compounds take much longer to degrade than others and the product can harm the environment while it is rotting. Biodegradation may also be incomplete, sometimes leaving residues in the environment which are more harmful than the original substance. Accumulation in the environment of nonbiodegradable (or poorly biodegradable) substances, such as some biocides, can cause serious problems)
biodégradabilité aérobie aerobic biodegradability