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Terms for subject Marketing (7639 entries)
biens meubles representative capital goods
biens meubles representative goods
biens mobiliers representative capital goods
biens mobiliers representative goods
biens négociables market goods
biens non durable dry goods
biens non durable soft goods
biens non durables non-durable goods
bilan abrégé abridged balance sheet
bilan actif balance sheet showing a profit
bilan annuel annual balance sheet
bilan bénéficiaire balance sheet showing a profit
bilan condensé balance sheet in condensed form
bilan d'ouverture de liquidation balance sheet for liquidation purposes
bilan d'ouverture de liquidation liquidation balance sheet
bilan d'ouverture de liquidation statement of affairs for liquidation purposes
bilan de liquidation statement of affairs
bilan de vérification trial balance
bilan déficitaire balance sheet showing a loss
bilan estimatif estimated import requirement