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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (28371 entries)
balourd out-of-balance
balourd unbalance
balourd résiduel residual unbalance
balustrade extérieure outside balustrade
banane accessory support
banc bed of machine
banc à 4 glissières bed with 4 shears
banc à 4 glissières bed with 4 ways
banc à planer par étirage table for flattening by drawing
banc d'étirage cable-tensioning rig
banc de charge charging bench
banc de fraiseuse bed of milling machine
banc de fraiseuse machine bed
banc de machine bed of milling machine
banc de machine machine bed
banc de travail bed
banc de travail bench
banc de travail work bench
banc hydraulique hydraulic test bench
banc rompu gap-type lathe bed