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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (28371 entries)
avance de chariotage automatique power sliding feed
avance de dressage surfacing
avance de dressage surfacing feed
avance de finition finishing feed
avance de la table table feed
avance de planage surfacing
avance de planage surfacing feed
avance de planage automatique surfacing power feed
avance de plongée down feed
avance de plongée feed motion directed to the interior
avance de plongée feed motion towards the interior
avance de plongée feed movement directed to the interior
avance de plongée feed movement towards the interior
avance de plongée in-feed
avance de surfaçage surfacing
avance de surfaçage surfacing feed
avance de table table feed
avance en avalant parallel feed
avance en avalant tangential feed
avance en rotation rotary feed