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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
attribution attribution (Under certain circumstances, the tax law applies attribution rules to assign to one taxpayer the ownership interest of another taxpayer)
attribution gratuite de quotas free allocation of quotas
attribution ministérielle minister competence
attribution ministérielle minister competence (The skill, knowledge, qualification, capacity or authority associated with the chief of an administrative department or other high ranking official selected by the head of state)
au rejet dans l'atmosphère at the air vent
aubifoin bluebottle
aubifoin cornflower
audience de communauté community hearing
audience officielle official hearing
audience officielle official hearing (Proceedings of relative formality, with definite issues of fact or of law to be tried, in which witnesses are heard and parties proceeded against have right to be heard)
audiovisuel audiovisual media
audiovisuel audiovisual media (Any means of communication transmitted to both the sense of hearing and the sense of sight, especially technologies directed to large audiences)
audit audit (The periodic or continuous verification of the accounts, assets and liabilities of a company or other organization, often to confirm compliance with legal and professional standards)
audit administratif office audit
audit d'environnement eco-audit
audit d'environnement environmental auditing
audit de qualité quality audit
audit du système de management environnemental environmental management system audit
audit en environnement eco-audit
audit en environnement environmental audit