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Terms for subject Textile industry (9954 entries)
attrait esthétique aesthetic appeal
au frottement abrasion resistant
au vu d'une attestation on the sight of a certificate
augmentation tensile elongation
augmentation de mailles knit widening
augmenter widen
auréole de teinture dyeing ring
auto- plissant self-crimping
auto-adhésif self-adhesive
auto-ajustage self-adjusting
auto-crêpant self-crimping
auto-extinguibilité self-extinguishability
auto-fronçant self-crimping
auto-inflammabilité self-inflammability
autoclave pressure vessel
autocollant self-adhesive
autocorrélation auto-correlation
autoégalisation autolevelling
autoégalisation à l’étirage drafting equalizing
autolimitation des exportations voluntary restraint on exports