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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
arrangement intérimaire interim arrangement
arrangement intérimaire intermediate arrangement
arrangement intérimaire provisional arrangement
Arrangement international concernant le transport des corps International Arrangement concerning the Conveyance of Corpses
Arrangement international sur les céréales International Grains Arrangement
Arrangement international sur les céréales de 1967 a) Convention relative au commerce du blé b) Convention relative à l'aide alimentaire International Grains Arrangement 1967 (IGA, 1. Wheat Trade Convention 2. Food Aid Convention)
Arrangement (qui prévoit) l'élimination progressive des obstacles aux conditions normales de concurrence dans l'industrie de la construction navale Revised General Arrangement for the Progressive Removal of Obstacles to Normal Competitive Conditions in the Shipbuilding Industry
arrangement monétaire spécifique specific monetary arrangement
Arrangement portant création, à Paris, d'un Office international du vin Arrangement establishing an International Wine Office in Paris
arrangement provisoire interim arrangement
arrangement provisoire intermediate arrangement
arrangement provisoire provisional arrangement
Arrangement provisoire concernant les questions relatives aux grands fonds marins Provisional Understanding regarding Deep Seabed Matters
Arrangement relatif à l'application de l'Accord Intergouvernemental sur la station spatiale en attendant l'entrée en vigueur de celui-ci Arrangement concerning Application of the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement Pending its Entry into Force
Arrangement relatif à l'application de la Convention européenne sur l'arbitrage commercial international Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration
Arrangement relatif à la répression de la circulation des publications obscènes Arrangement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications
Arrangement relatif aux marins réfugiés Agreement relating to Refugee Seamen
arrangement technique Implementing Arrangement
Arrangement technique relatif aux laboratoires chargés de la recherche européenne en matière de défense Technology Arrangements for Laboratories for Defence European Studies
arrangement temporaire temporary arrangement