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Terms for subject Law (56626 entries)
aide notifiée notified aid
aide post-pénale parole and after-care
aide post-pénitenciaire des délinquents toxicomanes after-care of drug-dependent offenders
aide postpénitentiaire after-care
aide provenant de fonds publics aid provided from public funds
aide-mémoire writing used for the purpose of refreshing memory
aide-programme programme aid
aide-programme programme assistance
aide-programme projetisée programmed approach of project-aid
aide-projet project aid
aides de caractère non sectoriel aids which are not sectorial in character
aides destinées à promouvoir la culture et la conservation du patrimoine aid to promote culture and heritage conservation
aieul maternel ancestor on the mother's side
aieul paternel ancestor on the father's side
aïeux ancestors
aile de grande securite special security wing
aile de surveillance speciale special security wing
ainsi jugé judgment thus given
ainsi prononcé en audience publique delivered in open Court
ainsi qu'il appartiendra as befitting