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Terms for subject General (175568 entries)
agro-climatologie agro-climatology
agrostide stolonifère creeping bent grass
agrostide ténue brown top
AGS Association of swiss galleries
ah ça non! definitely not!
ah ça non! certainly not!
ah ça oui! you bet!
ah celui-ci, il me fera toujours rire! now he always makes me laugh!
ah les vaches, ils ne m'ont pas invité! the swines didn't invite me!
ah mais oui, j'y repense, elle t'a appelé ce matin oh yes, now I come to think of it, she phoned you this morning
ah non alors! certainly not!
ah non alors! oh no!
ah non! je regrette! j'étais là avant toi! I'm sorry but I was here first!
ah oui, c'est logique, je n'y avais pas pensé! ah, that makes sense, I hadn't thought of that!
ah oui? really?
ah permettez, j'étais là avant vous! do you mind, I was there before you!
ah toi, si je ne me retenais pas...! just count yourself lucky I'm restraining myself!
ah voilà, c'est parce qu'il avait peur! so, that explains it, he was frightened!
ah, ah, petit coquin, je te tiens! got you, you little devil!