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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
exploitation de l'espace land management
exploitation de la terre agricole cultivation of agricultural land
exploitation de la terre agricole cultivation of agricultural land (Cultivation of land for the production of plant crops. Agricultural land may be employed in an unimproved state with few, if any, management inputs (extensive rangeland), or in an intensively managed state with annual inputs of fertilizer, pest, control treatments, and tillage)
exploitation de minerai ore mining
exploitation de nappe tapping of underground water
exploitation de nappe souterraine exploitation of underground water (The process of extracting underground water from a source)
exploitation de nappe souterraine exploitation of underground water
exploitation des déchets radioactifs radioactive waste management
exploitation des fonds marins sea bed exploitation (Marine mineral resources extend far beyond those presently exploited; minerals are derived from two separate types of marine sources: from sedimentary deposits underlying the continental shelves and from inshore deposits on the surface of the continental shelves. By far the most valuable of the mineral resources exploited from marine environments is petroleum. Offshore placer deposits on the surface of the continental shelves yield gold, platinum, and tin. On the floors of the world's oceans manganese nodules are found as a result of pelagic sedimentation or precipitation; they are small, irregular, black to brown, friable, laminated concretionary masses consisting primarily of manganese salts and manganese-oxide minerals)
exploitation des mines urbaines urban mining
exploitation des océans ocean exploitation (The utilization of the ocean for its food resources, mineral resources, and energy and water sources)
exploitation des océans ocean exploitation
exploitation des ressources resource exploitation (No definition needed)
exploitation des ressources resource exploitation
exploitation des ressources marines et sous-marines exploitation of marine and submarine resources
exploitation des tourbières cut peat-moor
exploitation durable sustainable exploitation
exploitation économique intensive intensive economic exploitation
exploitation exagérée des lieux de pêche overfishing
exploitation forestière forest exploitation (Forests have been exploited over the centuries as a source of wood and for obtaining land for agricultural use. The mismanagement of forest lands and forest resources has led to a situation where the forest is now in rapid retreat. The main aspects of the situation are: serious shortages in the supply of industrial wood; the catastrophic erosion and floods accompanying the stripping of forests from mountainous land; the acute shortages of fuel wood in much of the developing world; the spread of desert conditions at an alarming rate in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world; and the many environmental effects of the destruction of tropical rainforests)