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Terms for subject Law (56626 entries)
Convention judiciaire Convention on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in civil and Commercial matters
convention liant les parties binding agreement
Convention LUVI Hague Convention relating to an uniform law on international sale of goods (ULIS)
convention maritime maritime convention
convention mère mother convention
convention mixte mixed convention
Convention monétaire entre la République italienne, au nom de la Communauté européenne, et la République de Saint-Marin Monetary Agreement between the Italian Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Republic of San Marino
convention multilatérale sur la lutte contre l'immigration clandestine par voie maritime Multilateral Convention on combating illegal immigration by sea
convention obligatoire binding agreement
convention oppressive oppressive agreement
convention orale oral agreement
Convention parallèle 1988 Lugano Convention
Convention parallèle Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Convention parallèle Parallel Convention
convention partenariale partnership property agreement
Convention pénale sur la corruption Criminal Law Convention on Corruption
Convention portant dispense de légalisation pour certains actes et documents Convention waiving authentication of certain certificates and documents
Convention portant extension de la compétence des autorités qualifiées pour recevoir les reconnaissances d'enfants naturels Convention on the extension of the competence of authorities qualified to receive acknowledgements of children born out of wedlock
convention portant statut des écoles européennes Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools
convention postale universelle universal postal convention