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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
communauté urbaine urban community (Body of people living in a town or city)
communauté végétale plant community (Any group of plants belonging to a number of different species that co-occur in the same habitat or area and interact through trophic and spatial relationships; typically characterized by reference to one or more dominant species)
Communautés européennes European Communities (The collective body that resulted in 1967 from the merger of the administrative networks of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and the European Economic Community (EEC). The singular term has also been widely used)
commune municipality (A town, city, or other district having powers of local self-government)
communes regroupées associated communes
communication communications
communication communications (The concept, science, technique and process of transmitting, receiving or otherwise exchanging information and data)
communication en matière de risques risk communication (The exchange of information about health or environmental risks among risk assessors and managers, the general public, news media, interest groups, etc.)
communication nationale national communication
Communication sur les stratégies d'accession en matière d'environnment Communication on accession strategies for environment
communiqué aux entreprises trade communique
communiqué de presse press release (An official statement or announcement distributed to members of the media by a public relations firm, government agency or some other organization, often to supplement or replace an oral presentation)
compactage compaction (Reduction of the bulk of solid waste by rolling and tamping)
compactage du sol soil compaction (An increase in bulk density (mass per unit volume) and a decrease in soil porosity resulting from applied loads, vibration, or pressure. More compacted soils (or other materials) can support greater loads (load-bearing capacity). Bulk density can be increased by controlling the moisture content, compaction forces and treatment procedures, as well as by manipulating the type of material being compacted)
compactage superficiel surface crusting
compactage superficiel surface run off
compactage superficiel surface sealing
Compagnie anversoise des eaux Antwerp water board
compagnie d'assurance insurance business (A commercial service which provides a guarantee against most losses or harm to a person, property or a firm in return for premiums paid)
compagnie d'électricité electricity company (Company which is responsible for the supply and distribution of electric energy to a given area)