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Terms for subject Pharmacy and pharmacology (3283 entries)
code ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code
code de participant coded subject
Code phonétique Soundex code
Code Soundex Soundex code
codéine codeine
codéine methylmorphine
coder coding
Coefficient alpha de Cronbach Cronbach's alpha
coefficient d'absorption de Bunsen Bunsen coefficient of absorption
Coefficient de corrélation de Pearson Pearson's product moment correlation
Coefficient de corrélation des rangs de Spearman Spearman's rank correlation
coefficient de solubilité solubility coefficient
Cohorte fermée Fixed cohort
coins corner teeth
collier cervical collar for neck immobilization
collutoire collutory
collyre eye drops
collyre ophthalmic drops
colombo calumba
colonisation colonization