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Terms for subject Politics (12825 entries)
îles Marquises Marquesas Islands
îles Marquises Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
îles Marshall Marshall Islands
îles Marshall Marshall Islands (The Marshall Islands were once part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. They now form the Republic of the Marshall Islands)
îles Phoenix Phoenix Islands
îles Phoenix Phoenix Islands (Kiribati)
îles Salomon Solomon Islands
îles Toubouai Tubuai Islands
îles Toubouai Tubuai Islands (French Polynesia)
îles Turques et Caïques Turks and Caicos Islands
îles Vierges américaines United States Virgin Islands
îles Vierges britanniques British Virgin Islands
Illinois Illinois
illusion d'Aubert Aubert illusion
îlot island site
immigrant immigrant
immigrant illégal illegal immigrant
immigrant illégal illegal immigrant (irregular migrant)
immigration clandestine clandestine immigration