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Terms for subject Business (1268 entries)
faculté d'exception possibility for exemptions
failli the bankrupt
faillite à effets purement territoriaux bankruptcy with purely territorial effects
faillite civile bankruptcy of non-traders
faillite d'une personne décédée bankruptcy of a deceased person
faillite principale main bankruptcy
faillite prononcée d'office bankruptcy opened by a court of its own motion
faillite secondaire secondary bankruptcy
faillite territoriale Territorial bankruptcy
faillite-liquidation liquidation bankruptcy
faire figurer hors bilan ... as off-balance-sheet items
faire sien approve
favoriser la clarté make for greater clarity
filiale affiliate
filiale étrangère foreign affiliate
filiale étrangère dans laquelle la société mère est majoritaire majority-owned foreign subsidiary
fluctuation de valeur fluctuation in value
fluctuation de valeur variation in value
fonds propres net assets
fonds propres capital base