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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
napper (quelque chose) de coat something with
napperon individuel place mat
napperons en papier place mats of paper
napperons individuels en matière textile place mats of textile
nappes [non en papier] table cloths [not of paper]
nappes en papier table cloths of paper
napropamide napropamide
narco-dollars drug money
narcoguérilla narcoguerilla
narcotiques narcotics
narcotouriste drug tourist
narcotrafic drug trafficking
narcotrafic illicit drug trafficking
narcotrafic traffic in drugs
nasalité nasality
natation artistique synchronized swimming
nation fournissant des renforts reinforcing nation
nation hôte host nation
nation indomptée unsubjugated nation
nation nucléaire nuclear nation