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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
cité-jardin garden-city
cité-jardin garden suburb
cité-jardin garden village
cité-satellite satellite community
citer cite
citer quote
citer cite
citer mention
citer des témoins call witnesses
citer (quelqu'un) en exemple cite somebody as an example
citer (quelque chose) en exemple quote something as an example
citer un soldat à l'ordre du jour mention a soldier in dispatches
citerne de décantation oil-settling tank
Cités-santé 2000 Healthy Cities 2000 project
citez trois aliments list three types of food
citez trois aliments list three different foods
cithares zithers
Citoyen Citizen
citoyen à part entière person with full citizenship
citoyen d'honneur freeman