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Terms for subject Industry (36596 entries)
zébrure en trame weft streak
zéolithe artificiel artificial zeolite
zéolithe artificiel artificial zeolith
zéphir zephyr
zéphir zephyr cloth
zéphyr zephyr
zepto zepto
zéro acceptable zero acceptance level
zetta zetta
zircon zirconium silicate
zircon zircon
zirconofluorure fluorozirconate
zone brumeuse de colle zone of glue mist
zone d'affinage fining area
zone d'affinage fining zone
zone d'affinage refining end
zone d'affinage refining zone
zone d'inversion des courants region in which a current reverses its direction of flow
zone de braise conditioner
zone de braise conditioning zone