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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
cultures vivrières et industrielles food and industrial crops
cultures voisines porte-graines neighbouring seed-producing crops
cumul d'aides à finalités différentes cumulation of aids for different purposes
cumul d'infractions combination of offences
cumul de l'origine cumulation of origin
cumul de mandats plurality of offices
cumul de responsabilités dual responsibility
cumul des peines cumulative sentence
cumul et chevauchement combination and overlapping (of assistance)
cumul régional regional cumulation
cumul total full cumulation
cumul total total cumulation
cumulation spéculative de stocks speculative hoarding of stocks
cumuler compound
CUNE Heads of Europol National Units
cuniculture cuniculture
curaçao curacao
curatelle guardianship
curcuma à usage alimentaire turmeric for food