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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (1014 entries)
on se les caille dehors! it's bloody freezing outside!
on se les gèle it's brass monkey weather
orange givrée orange sorbet
ouvrier maçon builder's mate
ouvrir la parenthèse open the brackets
pain biologique organic wholemeal loaf
pain complet wholemeal loaf
pain de blé entier <-> wholemeal loaf
pain français French stick
panneau électoral election hoardings
panonceau publicitaire advert
pansement adhésif plaster
pansement adhésif Elastoplast®
pantalon avec veste assortie trousers with matching jacket
papier alu aluminium foil
papier d'aluminium aluminium foil
par copinage through the old boy network
par-devant notaire in the presence of a solicitor
par-devant notaire with a solicitor present
parc industriel industrial estate