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Terms for subject Ecology (254 entries)
décision "suspensive" Stop-the-Clock Decision
décision "suspensive" Decision No 377/2013/EU derogating temporarily from Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community
décision "suspensive" Decision No 377/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 April 2013 derogating temporarily from Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community
défabrication disjointment
dépression structural low
dessalement par osmose inverse desalination by reverse osmosis
dessalement par osmose inverse desalinisation by reverse osmosis
dessalement par osmose inverse desalting by reverse osmosis
dessalement par osmose inverse reverse osmosis desalination
détecteur à chimiluminescence chauffé heated chemiluminescent detector
détection screening
diplomatie de l'eau water diplomacy
directive de liaison linking directive
droit d'utilisation de crédits credit entitlement
droit d'utilisation de crédits non utilisés unused credit entitlement
échange sectoriel sectoral trading
éco-conception environmentally conscious design
effets néfastes des changements climatiques adverse effects of climate change
émission anthropique anthropogenic emission
émission anthropique anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission