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Terms for subject Law (242 entries)
subpoena duces tecum subpoena duces tecum
Tribunal federal Federal Supreme Court
Tribunal federal Swiss Federal Supreme Court
tribunal penal criminal court
usurpatio usurpation
usus a kind of usufruct
usus personal right to make use of something belonging to another
usus right of user
versus against
versus in opposition to
versus versus
vicepresidenta dal Tribunal federal vice-president of the Federal Supreme Court
vicepresidenta dal Tribunal federal d'assicuranzas vice-president of the Federal Insurance Court
vis absoluta actual coercion
vis absoluta physical coercion
vis absoluta vis absoluta
vis major act of God
vis major force majeure
Volenti non fit injuria no wrong is done to one who consents
Volenti non fit injuria volenti non fit injuria