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Terms for subject Environment (19617 entries)
oka-ahvenet cobias
oksadiargyyli oxadiargyl
oksidit oxide (Binary chemical compound in which oxygen is combined with a metal or nonmetal)
oksidit oxide
oksidit oxides
oksikarboksiini oxycarboxin
olemassaoleva laitos existing plant
olemassaolevat kemikaalit existing chemical
olemassaolevat kemikaalit existing chemicals
olemassaolevat kemikaalit existing chemical (Chemical products existing before 18-09-1981, chemicals traded or introduced in the EC defore 18.09.1981 concerning Chemikaliengesetz)
olemassaoloarvo contingent value
olemassaoloarvo existence value
olemassaoloarvo passive-use value
olfaktometri olfactometer
olfaktometria olfactometry (The testing and measurement of the sensitivity of the sense of smell)
olfaktometrinen analyysi olfactometric analysis
oligohaliininen oligohaline
öljyä sisältävät jätteet oily wastes
öljyä sitova aine oil binding agent
öljyä sitova aine oil binding agent (Highly absorbent agents used for physically removing spilled oil in case of leakages and oil accidents occurring in water bodies, industry, work-shops, on roads, etc. Materials that have been found useful for this service vary from simple, naturally occurring materials such as straw, sawdust, and peat to synthetic agents, such as polyurethane foam and polystyrene powder)