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Terms for subject Environment (18232 entries)
aktinidi actinide
aktinidi actinide (A group of 15 radioactive elements some of which occur naturally while others are produced in nuclear reactions. They include plutonium, americium and neptunium. The health hazard presented by the actinides, if they are released into the environment, comes from the potency of their radioactive characteristics. They are alpha-emitters, and therefore can cause intense localized damage in tissues if absorbed into the body)
aktinium actinium (A radioactive element of the actinide series, occurring as a decay product of uranium. It is used as an alpha particle source and in neutron production)
aktinoliitti actinolite
aktivointi activation
akustiikka acoustics (The science of the production, transmission and effects of sound)
akustinen laatu acoustical quality
akustinen laatu acoustical quality (The characteristics of a confined space that determines its ability to enable music and speech to be heard clearly within it)
akustinen ominaisuus acoustic property
akustinen ominaisuus acoustic property (The characteristics found within a structure that determine the quality of sound in its relevance to hearing)
akustinen suunnittelu acoustical planning
akuutti riski acute risk
akviferin saastumisen indikaattori aquifer pollution indicator
Akwé: Kon -ohjeet Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines
Akwé: Kon -ohjeet Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities
al nature julkinen teollisuus- ja kaupallinen laitos public institution of industrial and commercial nature
al nature julkinen teollisuus- ja kaupallinen laitos public institution of industrial and commercial nature (Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issues)
ala line (Term used in GIS technologies in the vector type of internal data organization: spatial data are divided into point, line and polygon types. In most cases, point entities (nodes) are specified directly as coordinate pairs, with lines (arcs or edges) represented as chains of points. Regions are similarly defined in terms of the lines which form their boundaries. Some vector GIS store information in the form of points, line segments and point pairs; others maintain closed lists of points defining polygon regions. Vector structures are especially suited to storing definitions of spatial objects for which sharp boundaries exist or can be imposed)
alahuone Lower House
alahuone Lower House (The body of a bicameral legislature composed of representatives elected by the general populace and organized into electorates or districts, each comprising an equal number of citizens)