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Terms for subject Environment (5703 entries)
perdeleme screening (The reduction of the electric field about a nucleus by the space charge of the surrounding electrons)
perifiton periphyton (A plant or animal organism which is attached or clings to surfaces of leaves or stems of rooted plants above the bottom stratum)
perkloroetilen perchloroethylene (Stable, colorless liquid, nonflammable and nonexplosive, with low toxicity; used as a dry-cleaning and industrial solvent, in pharmaceuticals and medicines, and for metal cleaning)
permafrost ekosistemleri permafrost ecosystem (The interacting system of the biological communities and their nonliving environmental surroundings in a climatic region where the subsoil is perennially frozen)
peroksiasetilnitrat peroxyacetylnitrate (A pollutant created by the action of sunlight on hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in the air. An ingredient of smog)
pestisit pesticide (A general term for chemical agents that are used in order to kill unwanted plants, animals pests or disease-causing fungi, and embracing insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematicides, etc. Some pesticides have had widespread disruptive effects among non-target species)
pestisit atıkları residual pesticide (A pesticide remaining in the environment for a fairly long time, continuing to be effective for days, weeks, and months)
pestisit etkileşimi interaction of pesticides (The enhancement of activity of pesticides when they are used in combination with others)
pestisit kontrol standardı pesticide control standard (A norm or measure applicable in legal cases pertaining to the production, dissemination or use of substances designed to mitigate or eliminate insects or small animals that harm vegetation)
pestisit metabolizması metabolism of pesticides (The sum of chemical reactions, including both synthesis and breakdown, that occurs in substances or mixtures intended to prevent, destroy or mitigate pests that are directly or indirectly detrimental to harvest crops and other humans interests)
pestisit toksisitesi toxicity of pesticides
pestisitlerin izlediği yol pesticide pathway (The specific or known route or vector of any chemical substance released into the environment to prevent, destroy or mitigate any pest that is directly or indirectly detrimental to harvest crops and other human interests)
pestisitlerin kullanımı utilisation of pesticides (Use of chemical or biological substances to deliberately kill unwanted plants or animals)
pestisitlerin sürekliliği persistence of pesticides (The ability of a chemical to retain its molecular integrity and hence its physical, chemical, and functional characteristics in the environment through which such a chemical may be transported and distributed for a considerable period of time)
petrokimyasal endüstri petrochemical industry (The production of materials derived from petroleum or natural gas)
petrokimyasal ürün petrochemical (Chemicals manufactured from the products of oil refineries, based largely on ethylene, propylene and butylene produced in the cracking of petrol fractions)
petrol petrol (A fuel for internal combustion engines consisting essentially of volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbons; derived from crude petroleum by processes such as distillation reforming, polymerization, catalytic cracking, and alkilation)
petrol petroleum (A comparatively volatile liquid bitumen composed principally of hydrocarbon, with traces of sulphur, nitrogen or oxygen compounds; can be removed from the earth in a liquid state)
petrol arama oil exploration (No definition needed)
petrol atıklarının geri kazanılması oil residue recuperation (The recovery of oil that is leftover or left behind, usually following the primary containment operations for an oil spill)