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Terms for subject Environment (5576 entries)
virkemiddel for økonomisk styring economic management instrument (A tool or method used by any organization in the management of developmental processes used in the production of, or in the regulation of, material resources)
virkning på menneskeheten effect on man (No definition needed)
virkningsforskning research of the effects (Investigation carried out to assess the results deriving from an action or condition; general term applying to many different fields)
virkningsgrad efficiency level (The ratio of output to input, usually given as a percentage)
virksomhetstype type of business (The class or category of an enterprise or organization involved in an economy)
virologi virology (The study of submicroscopic organisms known as viruses)
virus virus (Submicroscopic agents that infect plants, animals and bacteria, and are unable to reproduce outside the tissues of the host. A fully formed virus consists of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein and lipid (fat) coat. The nucleic acid of the virus interferes with nucleic acid-synthesizing mechanism of the host cell, organizing it to produce more viral nucleic acid. Viruses cause many diseases (e.g., mosaic diseases of many cultivated plants, myxomatosis, foot and mouth disease, the common cold, influenza, measles, poliomyelitis). Many plant viruses are transmitted by insects, some by eelworms. Animal viruses are spread by contact, droplet infection or by insect vectors and some are spread by the exchange of body fluids)
virveldyr vertebrate (Any chordate animal of the subphylum Vertebrata, characterized by a bony or cartilaginous skeleton and a well-developed brain: the group contains fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals)
virvelløst dyr invertebrate (Any animal lacking a backbone, including all species not classified as vertebrates)
viskositet viscosity (Energy dissipation and generation of stresses in a fluid by the distortion of fluid elements; quantitatively, when otherwise qualified, the absolute viscosity. Also known as flow resistance)
vitamin vitamin (An organic compound present in variable, minute quantities in natural foodstuffs and essential for the normal processes of growth and maintenance of the body)
vitenskap science (The study of the physical universe and its contents by means of reproducible observations, measurements, and experiments to establish, verify, or modify general laws to explain its nature and behaviour)
vitenskapelig diskusjon scientific dispute (No definition needed)
vitenskapelig forskning scientific research (Systematic investigation to establish facts or principles concerning a specific scientific subject)
vitenskapelig økologi scientific ecology (The study of the interrelationship among living organisms and between organisms and their environment, utilizing the methods or theories of science)
vitenskapelig samarbeid scientific co-operation
vitenskaplig og teknisk informasjon scientific and technical information (Knowledge communicated or received pertaining to the systematic study of the physical world or to the mechanical or industrial arts)
vitenskapskomite scientific committee (An organized group of persons elected or appointed to discuss scientific matters)
vitenskapspolitikk scientific policy (A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the systematic study, research and experimentation of a particular aspect of the physical or material world, which may lead to scholarly contributions in a branch of knowledge)
voksenopplæring adult education (Any instruction or training, informal or formal, which is geared to persons of mature age, regardless of previous education, and typically offered by university extension programs, employers, correspondence courses or community groups)