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Terms for subject Environment (5171 entries)
avskjermingsutstyr shielding device (Barriers devised for keeping away from people harmful substances)
avskoging deforestation (The removal of forest and undergrowth to increase the surface of arable land or to use the timber for construction or industrial purposes. Forest and its undergrowth possess a very high water-retaining capacity, inhibiting runoff of rainwater)
avskrekking deterrence (Punishment aiming at deterring the criminal from repeating his offences or deterring others from committing similar acts)
avskrekkingsmiddel deterrent (Any measure, implement or policy designed to discourage or restrain the actions or advance of another agent, organization or state)
avskriving write-off (Accounting procedure that is used when an asset is uncollectible and is therefore charged-off as a loss)
avslutning av arbeidsforhold termination of employment (The act or instrument by which the binding force of a contract is terminated, irrespective of whether the contract is carried out to the full extent contemplated or is broken off before complete execution)
avtale agreement (The coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation; legal)
avtapning av underjordisk vann exploitation of underground water (The process of extracting underground water from a source)
avvannet slam dehydrated sludge (Sludge whose water content has been reduced by physical means)
badested ved kysten seaside resort (A place near the sea where people spend their holidays and enjoy themselves)
badevann bathing water (All waters, inland or coastal, except those intended for therapeutic purposes or used in swimming pools, an area either in which bathing is explicitly authorised or in which bathing is not prohibited and is traditionally practised by a large number of bathers. Water in such areas must meet specified quality standards relating to chemical, microbiological and physical parameters)
bæreevne load bearing capacity (The maximum load that a system can support before failing)
bærekapasitet til jord land carrying capacity (The maximum extent to which ground or soil area may be exploited without degradation or depletion)
bærekraftig bruk sustainable use (Use of the environment and its living resources at a rate that does not exceed its capacity for renewal in order to ensure its availability for future generations)
bærekraftig utvikling sustainable development (Development that provides economic, social and environmental benefits in the long term having regard to the needs of living and future generations. Defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 as: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs)
bærekraftighetsprinsipp principle of sustainability (Principle stated by the World Commission on Environment and Development (The Bruntland Commission) in 1987: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Sustainable development is a process of integrating economic, social and ecological goals, and should not mean a trade-off between the environment and development. Sustainable development should imply balance rather than conflict)
bakgrunnsnivå background level (Term used in a variety of situations, always as the constant or natural amount of a given substance, radiation, noise, etc.)
bakgrunnsstøy background noise (Noise coming from source other than the noise source being monitored)
bakgrunnsstråling background radiation (Radiation resulting from natural sources, as opposed to man-made sources, and to which people are exposed in everyday, normal life; for example from rocks and soil)
bakkenært ozon tropospheric ozone (Tropospheric ozone is a secondary pollutant formed from emissions of nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide. Ozone scars lung tissue, makes eyes sting and throats itch. It has been implicated as a contributor to forest dieback, damage to agricultural crops, etc.)