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Terms for subject Environment (5171 entries)
landbruks- og matvareindustri agri-foodstuff (Industry dealing with the production, processing, and supply of agricultural food products)
landbruksarkitektur rural architecture (No definition needed)
landbruksavfall agricultural waste (Unusable materials, liquid or solid, that result from agricultural practices, such as fertilizers, pesticides, crop residue (such as orchard prunings) and cattle manure)
landbruksavrenning agricultural effluent (Any solid, liquid or gas that enters the environment as a by-product of agricultural activities)
landbruksbygning agricultural building (The buildings and adjacent service areas of a farm)
landbruksforurensning agricultural pollution (The liquid or solid wastes from farming, including: runoff from pesticides, fertilizers, and feedlots; erosion and dust from plowing; animal manure and carcasses, crop residues, and debris)
landbruksforvaltning agricultural management (The administration or handling of soil, crops and livestock)
landbrukshydraulikk agricultural hydraulics (Science and technology involved in the management of water resources, in the control of erosion and in the removal of unwanted water)
landbruksindustri agroindustry (Industry dealing with the supply, processing and distribution of farm products)
landbrukskatastrofe agricultural disaster (Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment either affecting or caused by land cultivation or the raising of crops or livestock)
landbrukskjemikalie agrochemical (Any substance or mixture of substances used or intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, attracting, inhibiting, or controlling any insects, rodents, birds, nematodes, bacteria, fungi, weeds or other forms of plant, animal or microbial life regarded as pests)
landbrukslovgivning agricultural legislation (Agricultural law is a blend of traditional fields of law including the law of contracts, bailments, torts, criminal, environmental, property, nuisance, wills and estates, and tax law. As such, it is a gathering of statutory and common law)
landbruksmaskin agricultural machinery (Machines utilized for tillage, planting, cultivation and harvesting of crops. Despite its benefits in increasing yields, mechanisation has clearly had some adverse environmental effects: deep ploughing exposes more soil to wind and water erosion; crop residues can be removed as opposed to ploughing back into the soil; removal of residues can lead to a serious loss of organic content in the soil, which may increase the risk of soil erosion)
landbruksmeteorologi agrometeorology (The study of the interaction between meteorological and hydrological factors, on the one hand, and agriculture in the widest sense, including horticulture, animal husbandry and forestry, on the other)
landbruksmetode farming technique (The business, art, or skill of agriculture)
landbruksøkologi agricultural ecology
landbruksøkonomi agricultural economics (An applied social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of agricultural or farming goods and services)
landbruksplanlegging agricultural planning (The development of plans and measures to achieve greater and more efficient output from agriculture; a sound agricultural policy should be able to reconcile three basic needs: the production of food and agricultural products, the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the socio-economic structure of rural areas)
landbrukspolitikk agricultural policy (A course of action adopted by government or some other organization that determines how to deal with matters involving the cultivation of land; raising crops; feeding, breeding and raising livestock or poultry; and other farming issues)
landbruksproduksjonsmiddel means of agricultural production (No definition needed)