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Terms for subject Environment (5171 entries)
eksosanlegg exhaust device (1. A duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted. 2. A combination of components which provides for enclosed flow of exhaust gas from engine parts to the atmosphere)
eksperiment experiment (A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried)
eksperimentell studie experimental study (Study based on experimentation)
ekspertsystem expert system (A computer configuration of hardware and software that simulates the judgment and behavior of a human or an organization with extensive knowledge in a particular field, often by giving answers, solutions or diagnoses)
eksplosjon explosion (A violent, sudden release of energy resulting from powders or gases undergoing instantaneous ignition or from some other means of detonation, often accompanied by a force producing great amounts of heat, major structural damages, shock waves and flying shrapnel)
eksponering exposure (The time for which a material is illuminated or irradiated)
eksport export (To send, take or carry an article of trade or commerce out of the country. To transport merchandise from one country to another in the course of trade)
eksport av farlig avfall export of hazardous wastes (Transporting by-products of society that possesses at least one of four characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity) to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign trade)
eksport av farlige kjemikalier hazardous chemical export (Transporting substances capable of producing adverse health effects, fires or explosions to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign trade)
eksportlisens export licence (Permission from a government to carry or send abroad and sell a product manufactured within its borders)
ekspropriasjon expropriation (To deprive an owner of property, especially by taking it for public use)
ekstensiv kvegavl extensive cattle farming (Farming system practiced in very large farms, characterized by low levels of inputs per unit area of land; in such situations the stocking rate, the number of livestock units per area , is low)
ekstern kostnad externality (Discrepancies between private costs and social costs or private advantages and social advantages; the basic concept of externality is interdependence without compensation)
ekstraktindustri extractive industry (Primary activities involved in the extraction of non-renewable resources)
ekstraordinær skatt exceptional tax (Compulsory charges levied by a government unit in special or unique instances for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefit)
ekvatorialklima equatorial climate (Climate characterized by constant temperatures, abundant rainfall and a very short dry season)
ekvivalent dose equivalent dose (A quantity used in radiation protection, expressing all radiation on a common scale for calculating the effective absorbed dose. The unit of dose equivalent is the rem. which is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in rads multiplied by certain modifying factors such as the quality factor, the distribution factor, etc.)
elastisitet elasticity (Ability of a material to return to original dimensions after deformation)
eldre elderly person (Someone who has reached the later stage of life or who has attained a specified age within that stage)
elefantdyr proboscidean (An order of herbivorous placental mammals characterized by having a proboscis, incisors enlarged to become tusks, and pillarlike legs with five toes bound together on a broad pad)