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Terms for subject Medical (1246 entries)
Thrombolyse Lysetherapie Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Thromboplastinzeit TPZ Лорина
Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer антиагреганты Лорина
TSH thyreoidstimulierendes Hormon Andrey­ Truhac­hev
TI Trikuspidalklappeninsuffizienz Andrey­ Truhac­hev
TICA terminal internal carotid artery harser
TBVT tiefe Beinvenenthrombose Kolomi­a
TAR tiefe anteriore Rektumresektion norbek­ rakhim­ov
TIVA totale intravenöse Narkose Лорина
TK Trikuspidalklappe Лорина
TKL Trikuspidalklappe Лорина
Tl Teraliter Лорина
TME Totale mesorektale Exzision norbek­ rakhim­ov
TNF Tumornekrosefaktor Исаев ­Дмитрий
TNS Transient Neurologic Syndrome Лорина
total aerobic microbial count TAMC Лорина
TAMC total aerobic microbial count Лорина
total yeast and mold count TYMC Лорина
TYMC total yeast and mold count Лорина
TIVA totale intravenöse Narkose Лорина