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Terms for subject Chemistry (70224 entries)
C 14 hat einen radioaktiven Zerfall mit einer Halbwertzeit von 56OO Jahren C 14 has a radioactive decay with a half-life of 5,600 years
C n F 8 octafluorocyclobutane
C n F 8 perfluorocyclobutane
c,s,trans-Isomere cis/trans isomers
c,s,trans-Isomerie cis/trans isomerism
C-14-Test carbon-14 dating
C-Form C form
C-Glykosid C-glycoside
C-Kampfstoff CW agent
C-Kampfstoff chemical warfare agent
C-Konformation C form
C-Kraftstoffe secondary reference fuels
C-Kraftstoffe substandards
C-Neutronen C-neutrons
C-Vergasung coal gasification
C30 CI food orange 7
C30 E160f
C30 ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid
C3Cl3 CeCl3
C3Cl3 cerous chloride