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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (8748 entries)
Pommesbude chips stall
Pommesbude chips stand
Pommesbude chip shop
pönalisieren (bildungssprachlich) penalise
Ponyreiten pony trekking
Popo bott
Popoflaum bum fluff (downy beard of adolescent boys)
Poposchlitz bum crack
popularisieren popularise
popularisierend popularising
popularisiert popularised
popularisiert popularises
Pornobalken moustache
pornographisch (Zeitschrift) top-shelf (magazine)
Pornokino blue movie theatre
Pornokino porn movie theatre
Porridge porridge
Portier commissionaire
Porzellanmodelleur porcelain modeller
posieren to attitudinise