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Terms for subject General (501013 entries)
Transuran transuranic element
Transuran transuranium element
transuranisch transuranic
transuranische Abfälle transuranic waste
transurethral through the urine tube
transurethral transurethral
Transversalbogen transverse arch
Transversalebene axial plane
Transversalebene horizontal plane
Transversalebene transverse plane
Transversalelastizitaetsmodul modulus of transverse elasticity
Transvestit drag queen
Transvestit transvestite
Transvestit cross-dresser
Transvestit crossdresser
Transvestiten transvestites
Transvestitismus transvestism
transzendental transcendental
transzendentale Meditation transcendental meditation
Transzendentalist transcendentalist