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Terms for subject Statistics (10992 entries)
Personenstandsfall vital event
Personenstandsregister civil register
persönliche Nachbefragung non-response follow-up
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung personal development
PERT Methode PERT method
PERT Methode program evaluation and review technique method
PERT Methode programme evaluation and review technique method
Perturbation der Daten data perturbation
Perturbation der Ergebnisse output perturbation
Perzentil centile
Perzentile percentile
Peter's Methode Peter's method
Peter'sche Methode Peter's method
Peterssche Methode Peters' method
Pfirsiche peach
Pflanzengesellschaft vegetative association
Pflanzung young plantation
Pflichtsozialbeitrag compulsory social contribution
Pflichtsysteme compulsory schemes
Pflichtversicherungsgrenze limit of obligatory insurance