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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (2413 entries)
Niederlassungserlaubnis residence permit
Niederlassungsvisum settlement visa
no usual translation refugee in orbit
no usual translation refugee in transit
Non-refoulement non-refoulement
Non-refoulement-Prinzip principle of non-refoulement
Nordische Passunion Nordic passport union
Nordische Union Nordic passport union
Nordisches Passkontrollübereinkommen Convention on the Abolition of Passport Controls at Intra-Nordic Borders
Nordisches Passkontrollübereinkommen Nordic Passport Agreement
Nordisches Passkontrollübereinkommen Convention between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden concerning the Waiver of Passport Control at the Intra-Nordic Frontiers
normaler Reisepass ordinary passport
normales Visum ordinary visa
Notlage emergency situation
Nummerierapparat numbering device
Nummeriermaschine numbering device
oberer Balkenbereich upper strip
objektivierbare Mittel der Glaubhaftmachung confirmable means of establishing credibility
observierender Beamter officer carrying out the surveillance
OCR-Lesegerät OCR scanning device