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Terms for subject Medical (218387 entries)
BREDT Krankheit pulmonal arteriopathy
Breeches-Typ breeches type of lipomatosis
Bregma bregma
Bregma-Lageindex bregma-position index
Bregmahoehe basio-bregmatic height
Brehmer-Dettweiler Methode Brehmer-Dettweiler curing method
Brei magma
Brei pulpa
Brei "brei"
Brei- atheroma
breiartig pulpy
Breibeschlag contrast-medium deposit on the gastro-intestinal mucosa
breiig papescent
Breikost mashed food
Breisky Becken Breisky pelvis
Breisky Beckenzirkel Breisky pelvimeter
Breisky Doppelspekulum Breisky double speculum
Breisky Handgriff Breisky manipulation
Breisky Handgriff Fritsch manipulation
Breisky Methode Breisky method