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Terms for subject Economy (96889 entries)
Branchenregister list of trade sections
Branchenrentabilität branch profitability
Branchenschlüssel industry code
branchenspezifisch specific to individual industries
branchenübergreifend interbranch
branchenüblich custom of a particular trade
Branchenvereinbarung interprofessional agreement
branchenverwandte Aussteller exhibitors of related trade groups
Branchenverzeichnis index of trade sections
Branchenwerbung trade group publicity
Brandbekämpfung fire protection
Brandbekämpfung fire combatting
Brandkasse fire (insurance) office
Brandschaden damage (caused) by fire
Brandschutzbestimmungen fire (safety) regulations
Brandschutzinspektion fire fighting department
Brandungsboot surf boat
Brandungsrisiko surf risk
Brandwaffe incendiary weapon
Branntweinmonopol spirits monopoly