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Terms for subject Mathematics (6266 entries)
Bodenbearbeitung tilling
Bodymass-Index body mass index
Bodymass-Index BMI
bogenbewerteter Digraph directed graph with weighted edges ssn
bogenbewerteter Digraph digraph with weighted edges ssn
bogenbewerteter Graph edge-weighted graph ssn
bogenbewerteter Graph graph with weighted edges ssn
Bogenelement length element
Bogenelement line element
Bogenlänge arc length
Bonferroni-Regel Bonferroni rule
Bonferroni-Ungleichung Bonferroni inequality
Boniturmethode method of scoring
Boole-Bonferroni-Frechetsche Ungleichung Boole-Bonferroni-Frechet inequality
Boolesche Faktoranalyse Boolean factor analysis
Boolesche Ungleichung Boole's inequality
Bootstrap-Aggregation bagging
Bootstrap-Aggregation bootstrap aggregation
Bootstrap-Test bootstrap test
Borel-Cantelli-Lemmata Borel-Cantelli lemmas