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Terms for subject Economy (96889 entries)
Zollgrenzstelle frontier control point
Zollgutversand customs transit
Zollherabsetzung tariff reduction
Zollhindernis tariff barrier
Zollhinterziehung customs fraud
Zollhinterziehung duty evasion
Zollhinterziehung defraudation of the customs
Zollhinterziehung evasion of duty
Zollhinterziehung evasion of customs duties
Zollhoheitsgebiet customs territory
Zollinhaltserklärung declaration
Zollinhaltserklärung customs declaration
Zollinspektor inspector
Zollinspektor customs inspector
Zollinspektor shark
Zollinspektor customs supervisor
Zollinspektor surveyor
Zollinspektor surveyor of customs
Zollkai legal quay
Zollkommission Tariff Commission