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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Wissenschaftliche Ökologie scientific ecology
Wissenschaftliche Ökologie scientific ecology (The study of the interrelationship among living organisms and between organisms and their environment, utilizing the methods or theories of science)
Wissenschaftliche und technische Information scientific and technical information
Wissenschaftliche und technische Information scientific and technical information (Knowledge communicated or received pertaining to the systematic study of the physical world or to the mechanical or industrial arts)
Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit scientific co-operation
Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss zur Erhaltung der lebenden Meeresschätze der Antarktis Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat scientific committee (An organized group of persons elected or appointed to discuss scientific matters)
wissenschaftlicher Beurteilungsausschuss Technical Options Committee
Wissenschaftlicher Disput scientific dispute (No definition needed)
Wissenschaftlicher Disput scientific dispute
wissenschaftlicher Indikator scientific indicator
wissenschaftlicher Namen der Art scientific name at the species level
wissenschaftlicher Namen (taxa) des Exemplars the taxa to which the specimen belongs
wissenschaftliches Studium des Ozons ozone science
Wissenschaftspolitik scientific policy
Wissenschaftspolitik scientific policy (A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the systematic study, research and experimentation of a particular aspect of the physical or material world, which may lead to scholarly contributions in a branch of knowledge)
Wissensnetzwerk zur Stadtentwicklung in Europa European Urban Knowledge Network
Witterung weather condition (The complex of meteorological characteristics in a given region)
Witterungserscheinung meteorological phenomenon
Witterungserscheinung meteorological phenomenon (Phenomena which occur in the troposphere and stratosphere, such as precipitations, wind, temperature, etc.)