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Terms for subject Construction (110542 entries)
wetzen to whet
wetzen to sharpen
Wetzen honing
Wetzschiefer whetstone
Wetzstein oil stone (f.i. indian stone) oiled whetstone
Wetzstein oilstone
Whirlpool whirlpool
WIB-Überbau superstructure of rolled-steel girders embedded in concrete
Wichte specific gravity
Wichte specific weight
Wichte bulk density
wichtigste Kenndaten eines Projektes salient features of a project
Wickelfalzrohr spiral (duct) tube
Wickellötstelle Britannia joint
Wickelmaschine wire winding machine
wickeln coil
wickeln wind
Wickelrohr-Lining spirally wound lining
Wicklung reeling
Widderkopf sister hook