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Terms for subject Law (38861 entries)
Wandalismus vandalism (to maliciously destroy or damage property)
Wandelung rescission of a sale
Wandelungsklage action for rescission
Wannenofen hearth furnace
Waren beleihen take up a loan on goods
Waren beschlagnahmen seize goods
Waren empfangen take delivery
Warenanmeldung declaration of type of goods
Warenbeschau physical check
Warenbesitzer owner of the goods
Warenbezeichnung name of product
Warengenossenschaft farmers'marketing co-operative
Warengenossenschaft farmers'purchasing co-operative
Warengesetz Commodity Act
Warenkaufvertrag contract for (the) sale of goods
Warenkontingent goods quota
Warenkredit advance loan on goods
Warenlager warehouse
Warenlager merchandise stock
Warenlager stock