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Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (562 entries)
Visum C travel visa (type C)
Visum D residence visa (type D)
Visum D+C residence and travel visa (type D+C)
Volkswirtschaftliches Interesse general economic interest
Volontariat traineeship
Vorlaufgruppen preparatory classes for primary school entry (for children who have not attended a kindergarten)
Vorsorgeuntersuchungsstelle healthcare centre carrying out preventive health checks
Vorzugsstimme preferential vote
WählerInnenevidenz permanent voters' register (for Vienna)
WählerInnenverzeichnis electoral register
Wahlkarte voting card
WahlleiterIn polling clerk
Wahlreferat local electoral office
Wärmerückgewinnung heat recovery system
Waschküchenordnung laundry room rules
WEDI - Wiener EhedokumentenInformationssystem Marriage in Vienna - Document Information System (WEDI)
Weiterbildungskonto subsidy for further training and professional development measures granted by the Vienna Employee Promotion Fund (WAFF)
weiterführende Schule secondary schools
Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensweisen Vienna Anti-Discrimination Office for Homosexual Lifestyles
Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnenförderungsfonds Vienna Employee Promotion Fund (WAFF)