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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Strandwall barrier beach (An elongated sand or shingle bank which lies parallel to the coastline and is not submerged by the tide. If it is high enough to permit dune growth it is termed a barrier island)
Strandwallinsel barrier island
Strandwolf brown hyaena
Stranggießverfahren continuous casting
Stranggießverfahren continuous casting operation
Straßenablaufkanal road discharge culvert
Straßenablaufkanal street drain
Straßenabraum street sweepings
Straßenabwasser street wash
Straßenbau road construction (No definition needed)
Straßenbaustoffe road construction material
Straßenbaustoffe road construction material (The aggregation of components used for building streets, highways and other routes, such as asphalt, concrete, brick, sand and gravel)
Straßenbenutzungsgebühren road pricing
Straßenfahrzeuge Road vehicles
Straßenfahrzeuge road vehicles
Straßennetz road network (The system of roads through a country)
Strassenreinigung street cleaning (The process of removing dirt, litter or other unsightly materials from city or town streets)
Strassenreinigung street cleaning
Strassenreinigungsabfaelle street cleaning residues
Straßenreinigungsabfälle street cleaning residues