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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Stoffwechselprodukt metabolite (A product of intermediary metabolism)
StomataSg.Stoma stomata
Störche storks
störende Gewerbeeinrichtung establishment emitting nuisances
Störgeräusch disturbance noise
Störpegel disturbance threshold
Störung atmospheric disturbance
Störung Perturbance
Störungsquelle interfering source
Stossbelastung sudden load
Stossbelastung sudden load (Sudden immission in considerable amount of one or more pollutants in the atmosphere, in a water body or in the soil)
Straf- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht criminal law
Strafbare Handlung infraction (A breach, violation, or infringement; as of a law, a contract, a right or duty)
Strafbare Handlung infraction
Strafe für Umweltschäden penalty for environmental damage
Strafe für Umweltschäden penalty for environmental damage (Punishment, varying from fines to withdrawal of government funds to economic sanctions, which is imposed for the harm or injury done to natural resources)
Strafgesetz criminal law
Strafprozess criminal law procedure (The rules of law governing the procedure by which crimes are investigated, prosecuted, adjudicated, and punish)
Strafprozess criminal case
Strafrecht criminal law (That body of the law that deals with conduct considered so harmful to society as a whole that it is prohibited by statute, prosecuted and punished by the government)