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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Salamander salamander (Any of various urodele amphibians, such as Salamandra salamandra of central and S Europe. They are typically terrestrial, have an elongated body, and only return to water to breed)
Saline salina (A place where crystalline salt deposits are formed or found, such as a salt flat or pan, a salada, or a salt lick)
Saline salina
Salmonellen salmonella
Salmonellen salmonella (General name for a family of microorganisms, one of the largest groups of bacteria, that includes those most frequently implicated in food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Unhygienic handling and inadequate cooking of poultry and meat, improper storage of cold meats and, more recently, contamination of battery-reared hen eggs, are the most common sources of salmonella infections)
Salmonidengewässer salmonid waters
Salpeterbildung nitrification
Salpetersäure aqua fortis
Salpetersäure enthaltender Impinger nitric acid scrubber
Salpetersäure und salpetrige Säure nitric acid and nitrous acid
Salzbelastung salt load
Salze salt (The reaction product when a metal displaces the hydrogen of an acid)
Salze salt
Salze und Loesungen, cyanidhaltig salts and solutions containing cyanides
Salze und Loesungen, die organische Bestandteile enthalten salts and solutions containing organic compounds
Salzgehalt salt content (Amount of salt contained in a solution)
Salzgehalt des Bodens soil salinity
Salzgehalt des Bodens soil salinity (Measurement of the quantity of mineral salts found in a soil. Many semi-arid and arid areas are naturally salty. By definition they are areas of substantial water deficit where evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. Thus, whereas in humid areas there is sufficient water to percolate through the soil and to leach soluble materials from the soil and the rocks into the rivers and hence into the sea, in deserts this is not the case. Salts therefore tend to accumulate)
Salzgehalt/Salzhaltigkeit salinity
Salzgehalt/Salzhaltigkeit salinization