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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Reflexion reflection (The return of waves or particles from surfaces on which they are incident)
reflexionsarmer Schallmeßraum anechoic sound-measuring room
Reflexionsmessung reflectometry (The study of the reflectance of light or other radiant energy)
Reflexionsmessung reflectometry
Refugium refuge (A restricted and isolated area in which plants and animals persisted during a period of continental climatic change that made surrounding areas uninhabitable; especially an ice-free or unglaciated area within or close to a continental ice sheet or upland ice cap, where hardy biotas eked out an existence during a glacial phase. It later served as a center of dispersal for the repopulation of surrounding areas after climatic readjustment)
Regel der Technik code of practice (A systematic collection of procedures outlining the established method of application of all relevant laws, rules or regulations to a specific endeavor)
regelmäßige Hausmüllabfuhr periodical collection of household refuse
Regelung arrangement
Regelung ruling
Regelung ruling (A judicial or administrative interpretation of a provision of a statute, order, regulation, or ordinance. May also refer to judicial determination of admissibility of evidence, allowance of motion, etc.)
Regelung regime
Regelung regulate
Regelung des Wasserhaushalts water scheme
Regelung des Wasserhaushalts water supply system
Regelung für das EU-Umweltzeichen EU Ecolabel scheme
Regelung für das EU-Umweltzeichen Community eco-label award scheme
Regelung für die Angabe von Leistungsdaten performance labelling scheme
Regelung über Beihilfen zur Förderung der rationellen Energienutzung aid scheme to promote efficient use of energy
Regelungsausschuß für das gemeinschaftliche System zur Vergabe eines Umweltzeichens Regulatory Committee on the Community award scheme for an eco-label
Regelungsausschuß für die Behandlung kommunaler Abwässer Regulatory Committee on Municipal Waste Water Treatment