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Terms for subject Natural sciences (12859 entries)
obligat aerobe Organismen obligate aerobes
obligat anaerobe Organismen obligate anaerobes
Obobo bosse
Obobo white guarea
Obstbanane table banana
Obstbaum-Loeffelschildlaus olive scale
Obstbaumgruenruessler brown leaf weevil
Obstbaumminiermotte apple leaf miner
Obstbaumschildlaus European fruit scale
Obstbaumschildlaus oyster-shell scale
Obstbaumschildlaus oysterform scale
Obstgartenspanner green pug-moth
Obstmade apple-moth
Obstmade apple-worm
Obstmade codling-moth
Obstmade codling moth
Obstraumtriebstecher bud curculio
Obstsorte fruit variety
Obstsorten categories of fruit
Obstsorten varieties of fruit