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Terms for subject Labor law (5181 entries)
Lohngleichheitsprinzip principle of equal pay
Lohngruppe collectively agreed wage structure
Lohngruppe salary group
Lohngruppe pay scale
Lohngruppe wage grade
Lohnindexbindung wage indexation
Lohnindexierung wage indexation
lohnkaschieren laminate on toll charge
Lohnkosten costs of labour
Lohnkosten expenditures on wages
Lohnkuerzung reduction in pay
Lohnliste pay bill
Lohnliste wage bill
Lohnliste wage sheet
Lohnmontagevertrag assembly commission contract
Lohnsenkung wage reduction
Lohnskala salary scale
Lohnskala salary schedule
Lohnskala scale of salaries
Lohnskala scale of wages